2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004
For five years running, the Symposium has been honored to host an impressive list of expert speakers on technology, business, and politics. Peruse the historic speaker rolls by navigating the links above. Speakers for our 2008 event include:
- Dr. Arno Penzias, Venture Partner, NEA, Winner, Nobel Prize in Physics 1978
- Mary Warlick, Russian Affairs Advisor to President Bush; Senior Director for Russia, U.S. National Security Council
- Claudia Fan Munce, Vice President Corporate Strategy, IBM & Managing Director, IBM Ventures
- Tim Draper, Founder, Managing Director, Draper Fisher Jurvetson
- Ann Winblad, Founder, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners
- Mark Kvamme, Partner, Sequoia Capital
- Brian Curtis, Qiming Ventures
- Jerry Weissman, CEO, Power Presentations Ltd.
- Diane Greene, President, CEO and co-founder of VMware
- Prof. Bohdan Zakiewicz, P.E., Geothermal energy expert, Seven Rock Mining, California/Poland
- Alexander von Welczeck, Co-founder & CEO, Solar Power Partners, Inc.
- Michael Yanover, Creative Artists Agency
- Mitch Galbraith, COO, Funny Or Die
- Mark Gorenberg, Managing Director, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners
- Guy Kawasaki, Managing Director, Garage Technology Ventures
- Andy Bechtolsheim, Co-Founder and Chief Architect and Sr. VP, Network Systems, Sun Microsystems
- Dr. Ian Sobieski, Managing Director, Band of Angels Fund
- Alex Osadzinski, Venture Partner, Trinity Ventures
- Dmitry Vasyutinsky, Managing Director, Allianz ROSNO
- Ron Conway, Independent Angel Investor, former Founder & Managing Partner of Angel Investors LP
- Peter Wendell, Managing Director Sierra Ventures
- Dan'l Lewin, Corporate Vice President, Strategic and Emerging Business Development, Microsoft
- Daniel Graf, CEO & Co-founder, kyte.tv
- Quinn Horn, Ph.D. Managing Engineer Exponent
- Sergey Romashov, Managing Director DFJ VTB Aurora
- Marius Haas, Senior VP of HP Corporate Strategy and Corporate Development
- Oxana Kozlovskay, Vice-Governor of Tomsk Oblast
- Moshe Levin, Managing General Partner DFJ Tamir Fishman Ventures
- Alexandra Johnson, Founder and Host, Global Technology Symposium at Stanford, Managing Director, DFJ Aurora
- Sebastian Teunissen, Executive Director of the Clausen Center for International Business and Policy and Adjunct Professor, Haas Business School, Berkeley
- Andrey Dolgorukov, Russia Trade Representative in Washington DC
- Krzysztof J. Kurzydlowski, Deputy Minister, Office of Science and High Education, Poland
- Aaron Gershenberg, Managing Partner, SVB Capital Partners
- Pitch Johnson, Founder, Asset Management Company
- Yan Ryazantsev, Investment Director, Russian Venture
Michael Copps FCC Commissioner
Nikolai Kudtryavtsev Rector Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology
Pierre Lamond Partner Sequoia Capital
David Yacobashvili Chairman of the Board Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods
George Shultz Former U.S. Secretary of State
Esther Dyson